Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Wishing (and knowing reality)

i hate it when Master has to work overtime. Overtime means He has to go to work at 7 pm...way to early for Him to tuck me into bed, since Little Prince doesn't usually go to bed till between 7:30 and 8. W/we tried putting him to bed at 7 so that i could go to bed too, but that just doesn't work. i ended up having to get LP back out of bed, and he then stayed up till 9:30 tonight...ugh.

i really wish that Master didn't have to work overtime!

And then, there is reality. i know that Master working overtime means more money for our family, which in turn means more bills get paid, more/better/healthier food gets put on our table, and more toys get bought (for our bedroom and Little Prince). And so, i will suck it up and deal with the reality that Master has to work overtime.

i just wish that i could smoke a cigarette tonight!

And then, there is reality (again). Master doesn't like it that i smoke, it's a drain on our budget...and He will be lucky to have enough gas to get to work till payday this week, so we just can't afford it. Master has one cigarette left for me in the morning, to make sure i get a nicotine fix. He is trying to wean me off slowly so that i don't go balistic without my nicotine fix. Really, it's the only bad habit i have left (and trust me, i used to have a lot of them)...so it's not too bad, just annoying and displeasing to Master, so i really want to quit for Him.

So...i really wish that He could come home, tell me no smokes tonight, and tuck me in to bed....grrr, it's going to be a long night.

1 comment:

  1. Why what makes you submissive. Was it a choice or born that way
